From one of my current book reading: the Ordinary milionaire by Wouter Snyman…
He mentions the following food for thought, from Robert Kiyosaki’s statements…
?…the most important thing you have to make yourself rich are your words. Poor people use poor words; rich people use rich words….
?… Our financial problems are caused by the way we think. We have to change the way we think about money…(boy did I learn this lesson the hard way! Me).
?… Once my thoughts and attitude changed, my actions changed, and so did my results…
?… Leverage can come in many forms. Leverage can be your thoughts. People who win are careful with their thoughts, not saying ‘I can’t do that’. Or ‘it’s too risky’. Or ‘I can’t afford it’. Instead they say, ‘how can I do that’ or ‘how can I reduce my risk’ or ‘how can I afford that?`