*Action 2b* – maintaining good habits that aide SOUL health during this lockdown

The SOUL components –
❣️The MIND (thinker)
❣️The WILL (decider)
❣️The EMOTIONS (feeler)

If you live in Jhb you probably get your water supply from the Vaal dam. With the recent rains I suspect we are ample supplied.

To get that water from the dam to our taps we need (amongst other things) PIPES. Pipes are the transporters of this essential source of Life.

The SOUL is the transporter of the treasures stored up in the spiritual world, it takes from what is unseen (spirit) and brings it to the material (seen).

When the pipes are clogged up or rusted, they hinder the flow of water to your tap.

When your SOUL is “rusted or clogged up” (fear, anger, unforgiveness, bitterness, anxiety etc), it hinders the flow of LIFE.

Use this lockdown to do a “pipe maintenance”, a SOUL maintenance…

Watch this space as we share how you can maintain each SOUL component.

*beloved I desire that you prosper and be in good health even as your SOUL prospers*. Apostle John