*Action 2b3* – maintaining good habits that aide productive DECISION MAKING during this lockdown

This is the last component of the SOUL:
✅The MIND (thinker)
✅ The EMOTIONS (feeler)
✅ The WILL (decider)

CHOICE/Free Will is a God given right and privilege. It is a sacred trust given to mankind by his Creator as an expression of His love towards His creation.

Love gives you a CHOICE, love allows you to CHOOSE.

With every right comes responsibility. You have a right to choose, you have a responsibility to bear the consequences of your choice/s.

The trick with choice is this, you alone make the choice but many will be impacted and affected by the consequences of your choice/s (hence the restrictions that have been put in place during this lockdown to protect others from our choices). A selfish heart makes selfish choices and has no regard of the impact of his choices on the innocent.

Choice is linked to the state of your mind and of your emotions. The more informed your mind is, and the more at rest your emotions (emotional intelligence), the higher the chances of making productive decisions that will be good not only for you but for those connected to you.

*I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curses. Therefore choose life that you and your descendants may live…* Creator God Deuteronomy 30:19.